October 13th, 2010
The last few months are kind of a blur, everything is the same.. inconsistently consistent! Somehow I've become dependent on that inconsistency. What a gas.. not.. (that's my not joke). I'm bittersweet about history no longer repeating itself..
In March 2011 I'm going on a mission to Guatemala and I'm really excited about it.. my excitement is also accompanied by some newbie jitters. I have lots of questions because it's my first time. Yep-lots of questions. Also realated to Trinity, I'm going to be baptized mid month November. I've started preparing my testimonial-I get goosebumps just thinking about it! Batism is mentally solidifying so much and helping me to stick with my new path.
I've started looking for work since being let go about six months ago. I'm looking for something that pays about $20 an hour. I'm going to start saving some money which will enable me + give me the freedom to make some decisions for myself. One thing I would like to do is go to school.. for what exactly I don't know. I've been doing some research on becoming a paralegal but I have some hesitations. This is a bummer because I know I'd find it interesting. A little bird reminded me of bible school. Although I'm still in the research stage I'm leaning in this direction. I think God will provide me with the answers I'm looking for and what better place to find them than @ bible school!
My birthday is coming up and I'm turning 22. This years going to be different. The only thing that's the same is the one person that counts, my rock, won't be there. Since I'm in my twenties every birthday so far has been something I've looked forward to.. I'm sure I won't feel that way when the wrinkles and grey hairs start to appear BUT that won't happen for like 50 years!!!!! This year is sad and happy.. it's about letting go of the past but it's also the begininning of the rest of my life :)
If you haven't noticed recently I made some changes and pretty much revamped my life (An act of improving the form, structure, or appearance of something OR A new and improved version). It's been scary. The scariest part? Doing it on my own. I guess I'm forced to put all of my uncertainty aside and indulge in my faith. Some people don't understand why I'm doing the things I am and might not agree but in the end I know I'm being fruitful and finding out who the real 'Sydnay MacLellan' is. That's what's important.
I don't have spell check and I'm absolutely horrendous @ spelling. Hopefully that isn't overly apparent in my blog.
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